Drive with Uber by applying for Uber car finance
Uber is a ride-sharing mobile phone app that connects riders with drivers. Drivers all operate & maintain their own vehicles. It can be difficult arranging finance or leasing through traditional banks and lenders for your Uber car finance.
Uber develops, maintains, markets and operates the Uber app in multiple countries all over the world. When riders use the app to submit a trip request it is routed to the closest Uber driver. It is truly a Real-time ridesharing service picking the closest driver to the consumer that requested the trip.
Drivers have 15 seconds to accept a trip that starts flashing on their Uber Partner app. There is also in-app navigation that will direct the driver to the passengers exact location. If the driver can not find the passenger or the pin on the map was dropped incorrectly due to GPS error they can make contact with one another. Both drivers and riders calls are masked as a generic number in the app. That generic number than diverts to the other persons number while masking the callers phone number. Upon arriving at the passengers pickup location the passenger is alerted via the app. Drivers can choose “Start Trip” in the app to begin the meter. The passenger has the option to enter the destination address via the app and also change the destination address during the trip. The driver can again use the in-app navigation to get road directions and end the trip upon arrival.

Uber’s pricing system is similiar to that of a taxi and charged by the kilometre and time. If the vehicle is going above roughly 18-20 km/h then it is only charged on distance. All riders sign up using a credit card or paypal. All the payment processing is handled and automatically taken from the rider, a percentage is then taken by Uber and the remainder is paid weekly to drivers. Both drivers and passengers then have the option to rate one another on the quality of the service.
Instead of standing on a street corner and hailing a cab. Riders can use the app to call an Uber to where they are without the need to exchange physical money or make a credit card transaction.
Drive for Uber
To drive for Uber you will require your own vehicle. It may be difficult to obtain lending from traditional lenders and banks to finance a vehicle for Uber driving, even a typical taxi can be difficult.
This is where Loanbrite can help secure finance:
– Even if you have a 1 day ABN
– Have no prior driving or taxi experience
– Are unemployed or have no other source of income
– Small credit defaults may also be considered
– Do not have to provide financials, business plans or cashflow forecasts
– We can finance the entire cost of the vehicle
Step 1: Get an Uber Car Finance Quote. We can even help you source your next vehicle free of charge and get your insurance sorted out.
Step 2: Apply for an ABN with your Accountant to properly file your GST and car expenses.
Step 3: To drive for UberX you will need to apply online and pass a background check. Create your Account HERE
Step 4: Once you have created your account fill out the background checks.
Step 5: Install the Uber Partner app on your mobile phone or lease a mobile phone from Uber. Have a play on the Phone Simulator to see how the app works.
Pro Tip: Download the Passenger Uber app to see where the longest wait times are. In some instances you may find “No Uber Available” in some areas. This could help you position yourself more strategically.

To Partner with Uber on uberX your car/license must meet the following requirements:
Personal requirements:
- You are at least 21 years old
- Have a full Australian drivers licence
- Have held a Australian drivers licence for at least 12 months
You meet the following driver history requirements:
- No more than 3 minor offences in the last 3 years (minor offences are 3 points or less)
- No major offences or suspensions in the last 3 years (major offences are 4 points or more)
- No drug or alcohol infractions at any time
- no prior police record
Car requirements:
- have 4 doors or more and;
- be less than 9 years old and;
- be registered in Australia
- no decals or commercial branding
- no vehicles that were previously taxi’s
- Your name is on the Insurance policy

What is it like to drive for uber?
You’ve got freedom and flexibility to drive whenever you have time ”
As an Uber driver you can set your own schedule and work your own hours. You can easily go offline and log back onto the app as you please. There is no minimum hour or trip requirements, there is no office, there is no boss. You can drive and earn as much as you can when ever you want, Uber is an on-demand service that operates 24/7 all year round.
Uber automatically charges riders for tolls and reimburses the partner each week. The fare you see at the end of the trip is inclusive of tolls. They do not pay your toll bill directly – you will still need to do this.
Uber car finance
Complete the simple form below and we will compare a wide range lenders to find the most beneficial option for you Uber vehicle. This form is strictly for a quotation, no credit checks or applications will be submitted without your acknowledgement