Tag: technology

Tax Depreciation Schedule
Investing, Mortgage, Property | February 26, 2015
Tax Depreciation Schedule

What is Tax Depreciation Depreciation is the wear and tear of a building and the fixtures and fittings within it. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) allows investment property owners to claim this depreciation as a deduction in their annual tax return, reducing their taxable income and hence paying less tax. You can download your special reduced fee application form here…

Beware of fraud and scams
Business, Technology | January 2, 2015
Beware of fraud and scams

We have become aware of a number of our network and their customers who have recently been targeted via ‘online fraud’. Please read through the below and become familiar with ways you can spot a scam. The term ‘online/telecommunications fraud’ refers to any type of fraud scheme that uses email, websites, chat rooms, phone or message boards to present fraudulent…

Do You Ride into Work Sometimes?
Inspiration, Lifestyle, Technology, Uncategorized | August 17, 2014
Do You Ride into Work Sometimes?

If This Then That (IFTTT) will put the internet to work for you with little ‘recipes’ that can automatically update your social profiles or send you an alert. If you ride your bike into work you could set up a “recipe” to place an event in your Google Calendar when the weather in your area is “Clear”. It will also…